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  • Writer's pictureMichael Takamoto

Dog & Phone Results

Thank you all who took time to answer our survey, it was but a handful, but useful data that I'ld like to share with you.

Type of phone:

  • 60% Apple Iphone

  • 20% Samsung Android

  • 20% Other Android

Dog owners seem to have a slight preference for Apples, don't forget to take out the seeds!

How often do you take your dog to the dog park?

  • 50% Once a week

  • 20% Five times a week

  • 20% More

  • 10% Once a week

Lucky pooches! 70% go to the park 5 times a week or more!

I take pictures of my dog

  • 20% Daily

  • 20% Monthly

  • 60% Weekly

80% of you take fido's photo once a week or more!

App usage. There are some surprises and some that you could have guessed. Facebook and its Messenger app are very popular with dog owners, but TikTok, Snap Chat and Twitter, not so much.


  • 60% All the time

  • 30% Daily

  • 10% Don't use

Unsurprisingly, lots of you use 90% use facebook.

Facebook Messenger

  • 30% All the time

  • 40% Daily

  • 10% Monthly

  • 20% Weekly

70% of you use Facebook Messenger daily or more.


  • 20% Daily

  • 20% Monthly

  • 60% Don't use

Dog owners aren't likely to be Twitteratti! Nor do they snap at their Chats!

Snap Chat

  • 80% Don't use

  • 10% Monthly

  • 10% Daily


  • 20% Daily

  • 40% Don't use

  • 30% Monthly

  • 10% Weekly

Only 30% use it Weekly or more.

You Tube

  • 10% All the time

  • 40% Daily

  • 20% Don't use

  • 30% Monthly

50% are daily or more watchers.


  • 10% All the time

  • 40% Daily

  • 20% Don't use

  • 20% Monthly

  • 10% Weekly

50% of you use this app on a daily or more basis.


  • 10% Daily

  • 80% Don't use

  • 10% Monthly

80% don't use.

Lastly, one of Central Bark's features is automatic notification to your friends that you're at a dog park. 60% of you said it was no problem because it was just your friends, 30% said you like it to be on a case-by-case situation. We'll implement this one carefully and watch for more input as we get the app in your hands.

Thanks again.

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